Phoenix Cement® Type I/II/V (LA) is safe for use in any application where protection against moderate (MS) or high sulfate (HS) attack is required. The (LA) designation indicates low alkali requirements of ASTM C 150 are met, there by reducing the potential for damage due to alkali-aggregate reactivity.
Consistency in strength, color, neness, chemical composition and set time provides users of Phoenix Cement Type® I/II/V (LA) with consistently high- quality finished products.
Random market samples of Phoenix Cement® Type I/II/IV (LA) are tested regularly at the Salt River Materials Group concrete laboratory to monitor performance in concrete. This understanding of end product performance enhances our ability to provide predictable and consistent product meeting customer requirements.
ASTM C 109 cement cubes made with Phoenix Cement® Type I/II/V (LA) produce compressive strengths far exceeding ASTM C 150 requirements. More importantly, compressive strengths of concrete made with Phoenix Cement® Type I/II/V (LA) are consistently competitive with those required by the marketplace.
Set Time:
Concrete set times made with Phoenix Cement® Type I/II/V (LA) are consistently competitive with that required by the marketplace.
Phoenix Cement® Type I/II/V (LA) is produced year- round at our Clarkdale manufacturing facility 100 miles north of the metro Phoenix area. Type I/II/V (LA) is available in bulk and sack at our Clarkdale Facility and in bulk at our Phoenix area terminals.